Thursday 12 April 2012

Like a hoon

So, to the land of the internet, I come out loud and proud. I am a square (though I am sure you knew this all along).

That's right- I get off my bicycle when crossing at the traffic lights, I feel guilty when I eat supermarket grapes and I don't go over the speed limit by more that 2kms/hr (intentionally).

Which is why driving in Japan for me is like trying to stick the triangle block in my very square hole (Mind out of the gutter, please).

You would think that Japan would be all about the obeying of the rules and that I could live out my life speeding ticket free- but there is more to Japan that meets the eye.

You see, Japan has a bit of a weird thing where if something works, there is no need to fix it. In the case of speed signs; they were doubtlessly put up in the days when the family oxen could quite easily beat one of those shiny new auto-mobiles. So, most speed signs in Japan average 50kms an hour on the highways and main roads.  Around Tainai streets it is 30kms an hour (I am not joking)- and we are talking out in 'inaka' (boonies/sticks) where there are no traffic lights and no hazards whatsoever.
But rather than update these signs to something more appropriate, they just have an unspoken rule in Japan where you are ALLOWED to go 20kms over the speed limit.
Sounds like great fun? I'm sure you can understand how this triangle block just isn't sitting right with me- no matter how many times I bang it with my little wooden mallet. And I have this sneaking suspicion that for foreigners this rule may not apply and I will end up in a Japanese jail somewhere giving free English lessons in exchange for cigarettes....
Where it gets really silly is we have been told that 20kms over is fine, but if you go 21kms over the speed limit, you will be booked for going 21kms over the speed limit, not 1km over.

So, while I hope for the day that Japan will update the signs to what they really should be, in the meantime I will be racing around town at 45kms an hour like a rebel, sampling grapes for free and walking on the grass...

Look out world, a new Cassie has arrived (at 45kms/hr).

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