Saturday 30 June 2012

The Bear Patrol

These bears that I have been concerned about for the last few months have been stalking ever closer to us, no doubt smelling the delicious burning of my bacon, and last week they were just down the road in our park. Or at least, a baby bear was. But, where baby goes, mum is usually not too far behind so needless to say I won't be venturing into the woods alone, or entering any strange porridge filled cabins nearby. It was all a bit of excitement as Senior Lukington had a lovely visit from the bear patrol (Yes, there was an actual bear patrol- sirens and all) and the police before they went for their search for the bear, but (probably lucky for the bear) they didn't find it.

Clearly though with this evidence of bears skulking about, the bear patrol is not doing its job correctly. And in light of this we have purchased a bell that *supposedly* keeps away large mammals such as bears (unfortunately, they were out of special, multi purpose tiger rocks). To think, we always though the lady that walked around the neighbourhood with her bells on was always going to a party....

But not to be overcome by a fear of bears, or Melissophobia, we decided to venture to the local woods for a BBQ on a nice summers evening to cook some delicious meats and frolic with the fireflies. The Japanese seem to love nature, and show their love by keeping it beautifully and meticulously groomed.

It is a beautiful park and thankfully the rock worked and we were able to eat bear free- after all, there is nothing like the safety of consuming alcohol and eating meat in the woods in the darkness where the bears lurk. But when the other Gaijins came it did put me at ease a little bit more... After all, it was only a one in five chance of being eaten and I was sure that I might run faster than at least one of them.

Wednesday 13 June 2012


Being the wonderful wife I am, the other weekend I took my grown up boy (my husband) to the Bug Museum. Don't get me wrong, I like bugs, and I think a lot of them are very cute, like Ladybugs or Christmas beetles, but they don't exactly excite me like they do Senor Lukington.

Never the less, we set out into the mountains of Tainai to find the house in the middle nowhere (Lots of 'watch out for Monkeys' signs) and I am pleased to report that it was an enjoyable morning. They had a few cages where you could pick up the beetles (I felt a little sorry for the beetles though, being manhandled all the time) and of course lots of various dead insects for display. They had lots of gorgeous butterflies too, a lot of which I recognised from Northern Queensland.

They also had a bit of a butterfly house, where you could take little colourful containers of syrup to try and attract the butterflies.

I am sure that our experience would have been even more enriching if we could read half of the Kanji on the wall, but for Y4.10, it was an absolute bargain and a fun day out.