Monday 29 October 2012


When I was a kid I was obsessed with lollies. They were such little jubes of heaven that having three square meals a day of pure sugar would be an ideal meal plan (Mind you, this comes from the girl who once got into a bag of flour). So when I used to watch all those American T.V Halloween specials, I used to look upon the screen with tears of longing in my eyes, wondering why I can't dress up for a night and come home with a bag full of candy goodness.

I always put this down to many reasons- the first of which was that I lived in a rural area, so unless I wanted to get Mum to drive me from house to house, it probably wasn't going to happen. The second, and the one that seems much more prominent now- is that I live in Australia.

Nevertheless, one year Mum and I came to an agreement. I would dress up and ring the front door bell, and she would give me a bag of chocolates. It was a deal that worked out splendidly and now makes me wonder why I didn't think of it before. I'm pretty sure that my costume at the time was me wrapped in toilet paper- something to this effect.

mummy costume, using toilet paper

But the desired chocolaty outcome was still achieved.

However this year I can proudly say, that it was not only my very first Halloween, but also my second (Ahh the fun of working at two different schools). For some reason the Japanese really embrace Halloween over here, or at least the English schools do. I suppose it is no surprise given we use American spelling (shudder) and American text books.

Getting into the full Halloween spirit over here consists of the same ingredients as what I imagine would be in 'Merica. Namely getting loaded up on chocolate (though, not as much as the kiddies) and running around like a crazy person- Or in my case crazy Polar Bear. I did have a proper jack o lanter carving experience. As you can see, my awesome vision didn't turn out quite so well in pumpkin form. I think I was going for vampire....

We also got to build a haunted house, which was pretty scary with the lights off for the kiddies. However not quite as scary as some of the Gaijins hiding within. Luckily, with the lure of enough candy you can get even the most timid child through...

Happy Halloween everyone.Time to slaughter the livestock and disguise oneself against harmful spirits.

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